Wednesday, August 26, 2009

little iron...

Ya ya..i know i know.. it's lame. ^^,

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

每天爱你多one day

最近疯狂地爱上了这首歌. 没什么听广东歌的我, 一次的几突然下听见这首歌, 就对它一听钟情! 啊~..

"来..会不会唱!? 一起唱!..", waikhong的口头禅~

Saturday, August 8, 2009

sunway wild life

Monday, August 3, 2009

New "eagle" on the roads

Photos grab from somewhere else. And honestly, i think it's quit nice..i mean the car. Yes. Mitsubishi Evo 10. Design wise.. quite ok.
But not for this, you see the "reused" design for the left side car sticker. Terbalik punya "polis". Please la.. I remember i did this mistake during studies when i model a 3D Yamaha YZF.

Ya..the design of this are quite ok.. at lease the Evo 10's eagle eyes(front light) suits the gradiant on top.

But, this one. I personally think it looks like part of "TV3" logo. Is like TV3 berita car. ><
And.. and.. i like this logo very much. ^^ bagus.

Recently, "they" are often appear on the road. This is most probably either the policeman inside the car want to SS driving around KL to show off, or they want to let the public know they are doing something. Ronda? i dont think so.. They MIGHT patroling while discussing in the car. "eh.. buttan ini itu ini itu untuk ape?"

But overall, it's quite YENG also la..!