Saturday, August 30, 2008


次是在不样的地方post blog了. 为什么?因为我等下就/又要搬"房间"了. 因为那边没有internet ready着. 所以, 我申请了, 要等咯..星期咯. 唯有在office上网. 这两星期晚上回到家都不知道怎么办好. 又不能在网上听MY FM. 闷. 真正的的生活才要开始呢. 本来的计划是和几ex-classmates起住的, 因为我们在外面起接freelance来做嘛..怎么知道他们的公司搬到很远去, 所以他们负担不起车油,只好搬去那里附近, 而我不可以搬去那边..如果我和他们搬去那边..我上班会很辛苦. 嚡...搬来搬去何时了呢? 累. 在新的房间应该会住两年吧.

新的地方...我租了间单人房. RM300包水电. ok吧?! 而且算是家庭屋, 远点咯, 走多几步路..还可以啦! 家里还有三只可爱的狗狗. 隔壁是包租婆, 还养了dalmation. 周围都是狗..对我来说..还可以啦. 我喜欢狗儿嘛~

在office里, 只剩我一个人. 大家都假期去了. 整department那么大..剩我一个...一个瓜在这.. 也因为要赶快把东西赶完, 所以留到蛮迟下. 也一个人在office. 又加上最近整天下雨..当晚上我一个人在office的时候, 看窗外..下雨. 回到家.没得上网, 看窗外.. 下雨. 从office一个人走路回家, 看天空.. 下雨 你知道那种feel吗?!! 为何~... 为何~... 为何~...

炜标啊~.. 炜标~

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i am a fish (sometimes)

Well. I believe most of us, usually designers are wondering and also hard to decide where to go after graduate. Me as well met this kind of problem before. Not too long ago, so i still remember how hard it be. Aquarium actually represent the company which i think will directly affect the performance as well as the position in the company. The reason that i have the idea of posting this two(2) pictures is because there is/are friend(s) of mine twho actually working in a small company(small aquarium) and he/she is actually now having a one(1) step higher position than mine. Or should i saids not only one(1) step, perhaps many many steps. Ofcourse the pay is also very promising.

I strongly agree that when you are in a small company, you will get all the benefits that i mentioned above. Ofcourse there are some more that i couldn't think of anymore now. Or maybe is because of his/her own ability to skip/jump so fast? I don't know. But the only thing that i'm very sure is... i'm jealous. I was in the BIG fish in small aquarium situation before, but currently and following situation is small fish in BIG aquarium.
If you still don't get it or don't understand, try to look at the two(2) drawing above and imagine. Imagine that the orange fish is you and how can you survive and grow in the situation. There are advantages and disadvantages from both situation. Think of it and let me know. ^^

Last week, our department(MM Department) was having a gotong-royong session to clean up and to "refresh" or "reload" the working environment. Hmn...i was taking care of the pantry. hehehe~... And they come out of an idea of the "Thinking Chair" which located just nearby my working place.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


weekend . stay home . no program . boring . snap adobe icon . post . share .

Sunday, August 10, 2008

i see.

Hmn..looking for new place to shift. Any room available?
Family house prefered. / Don't want student house.
Budget : RM 300
Around sunway area.
Walking distance to Sunway Pyramid and The One Academy.

I saw the ad below past few days that i think i must post up here to share.

It is a Advertising "board" for the new product launched by Levi's. It's call "LIVE UNBUTTONED 501". It's actually not a board but the whole thing is form by wooded blocks which also a movable one with the small roller at the bottom. I think it's a very cool idea to have this kind of advertising tool. It suit the concept and branding direction of Levi's. The text are spray on and the human figure is actually a normal board. I wonder is it costly than normal advertisement board? hmn...

If you guys interested to find out the wooded advertisement. It's located at the second entrance of Sunway Pyramid Orange zone (near bus stop, Apple.Mac Shop). But, i not sure whether it's still there or not. You know la...movable one.

我的朋友刚开始他们的网上购物生意. 是个专卖女生服装的部落. 我看过了他们的衣服, 还不错, 值得推荐. 请点入 Hanger's Talk . 架子