Sunday, January 17, 2010





很sien啊。。我要买车!要有“feel ”的车。 >..<

Saturday, January 9, 2010



Wednesday, January 6, 2010


昨晚, 从一家电台听了一个很有意思的故事,关于在你人生中,你觉得你"失去"或"损失"了些什么东西。


今天,XX 因为自己的钱包被偷了, 所以来到了政府部门来重申请身份证,和一些重要文件。但是,大家都知道, 政府官员做东西是极度的慢,来申请文件的人又多,排着长长的队。。简直就是浪费时间!钱包被偷了,还要在这里浪费时间。“这并不是我的错”XX心里这样想。在这个时候,最讨厌的事情就是有人插队!人人都在等,人人都赶时间,大家都烦躁。 为什么就是有人会那么的自私! 那插队的人,如果看起来很凶残,或是摆着一副“我插队是应该的”的样子,并不会有很多人向前指责他。就算在当班的政府官员也袖手旁观。

这个时候,XX 排的长龙,就快要轮到他了。怎么知道,来了个太太, 样子很慈祥,双手牵着儿女, 身上还背着个婴儿。拿着张破烂的纸条, 一副什么都不知道的样子,从XX后面慢步的走向前,假装靠近柜台,仿佛像要插位的感觉。XX因为排了整天而心情不好的他,看见了太太的举动,心里只有一个念头,想立刻破口大骂!正当XX有了这个念头的时候,在前面的一位当班的官员便很没礼貌的马上大喊:“太太!请你到后面排队好吗?!大家都是这样的!”

太太的表情马上变得很害怕。“请。。。请问。。。我是不是。。。可以在这里拿。。我丈夫的死亡证书?”太太害怕的问。听见了太太这样一问, XX及那官员的表情立刻变得很不好意思。


今天其实发生了些并不舒服的事情,感觉自己并没很尽力,也没些能力。所以,心情并不好。可是,在同一个时候,听见了身边的朋友,一个我尊敬的人,就因为一个突然,就因为一个细菌感染, 失去了一边的听觉。好好的,还去了旅游,还计划新的一年要做些什么,突然一个没有就这样没有了。。她很乐观,虽然说还有一边的耳朵,但是,换是我。。我可没那么坚强。真的真的希望这只是暂时行的失去听觉。会好起来的。


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

marathon trip

Was having a short holidays last 2 weeks during christmas. It was a 1 week marathon vacation to Kota Bharu (my hometown) -> Penang (my second hometown) -> Ipoh (my dreamt hometown) -> Kuantan (my 表妹(cousin) hometown) and back to my hometown again before i fly back to KL from there.

Planned this trip since few months back. Basically it would be a very busy period during year end as designer and tutor in The One, but yet i still able to on leave..HOHOHO!. Just with a reasonable reason, i applied it 4 months before it.
Nah nah nah...! This is my marathon map around the peninsular. And i DRIVE all the way! You might think i'm crazy, but i like driving. =p. From the day i start drive from my hometown way to penang and kuantan and back to my hometown tooks me... eee... 1 ..2 ...2 ..4 days. It was kinda rush. Hmn...should plan better next time.

And i actually drive 1,239km in these 4 days. Actually more than that. Go buy TOTO. 1239
有万能有惊喜有快乐! 发啊!

This is what i always do when i'm in my hometown. Other than meeting old friends, play with dogs, helping up mummy's works, i sleep alot, goyang here and there.

First stop, PENANG. Celebrating christmas over there, it was fun! And luckily we did not went to Gurney during Christmas Eve, in fact, we are at Batu Feringgi. Wuhu!..

After 3 days 2 night in Penang, we straight speed to Kuantan. On the way to Kuantan, we were actually stop at IPOH to have our break-fast! Fast one! Yet, still consider another stop over there la...

Just right after we reached KUANTAN, no waiting anymore. Immediately go to Teluk Cempedak to have my enjoyable time. SURFING! That's was tired because i surf with my empty stomach since breakfast. (we reached kuantan around 4pm) ROCKS!!!

Not much photos taken, but still you can check up some in my fb photos. (tired to upload photos)

Who going with me next time? >;P

Saturday, January 2, 2010

23. and thank you

Other than thank you, is still thank you. ^^~