Wednesday, April 23, 2008

wangsa maju trip 1

Previously, on last weekends, 19/04/08, i was on the way to wangsa maju to visit some of my friends over there. It was quite a wonder trip as in i saw alot, i talked alot, i walked alot, i SWEATed alot as well. In this trip, i met ciayi, sook wen, xue ying and friends, xiao qing, suzan, belinda, xiao bao. Ofcause... i planned to meet some guys also, but end up almost all girls. Don't ask me why. I don't know.
Then, ofcause i overnight in wangsa maju this time. Last time, just one day trip which kinda rush also. So, that day, xiao qing offered me to overnight at her house which located in Menara Alpha condo, wangsa maju. A day before i went there, there was a commit sucide case happened there. Same block. The guy jump from level 11,12. And i was staying in my friend's place which in level 13,14. (the condo is 2 level in 1) eee...~
The most importantly, after i went out with another 2 friends, then me n my another friend were in the lift on the way back. My friend stay in level 8, and i in level 13. It was around 2am something already. After my friend went off from the lift, i close the lift door and it continue to level 13. That time, i saw my watch, and suddenly remember that, my friend told me,"last night the guy jump from level 11,12 around 2am". Wah...suddenly the door open. and the lift level showed,"level 11 and 12"!!!! ><

xue ying, new friend i know. (i hope her bf don't mind i post her in my blog)

cat food from sook wen's house

bell on sook wen door

the place i stay

"feeling cafe"


Anonymous said...

Feeling cafe.. got feel...


weipeow said...

颓废? 好啊好啊...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

don kno how i get here~
attracted some of ur photos here^^

u r from toa^^me too~~
by the way, where's the feeling cafe located???