Tuesday, December 30, 2008

temporarily stop . 暂时停止

To all friends / readers,

I will temporarily stop blogging as for some personal reasons. And also mainly because of lacking ideas / events / activities that allow me to post. Will really need to evaluates myself for the past 1 year of posting things to entertain you, me, he, she, they, us, or perhaps.. some people might hate it as well. However, i will get back again to "generate" piupiuraider as soon as possible.

Presents that i owe are still in the buying list. Do not worry. ^^
Happy 2009 to you all. ^^

致朋友们 / 读者们,

因为某些私人原因, 我将暂时停止blogging. 也其实更重要的是, 最近也没什么点子 / 节目 / 事情能让我在这跟大家分享. 将要好好的反省下..在这过去的一年所post上来的东西来娱乐你, 我, 他, 她, 他们, 我们 或者也有人根本就讨厌我所说的东西. 不管怎样, 我会尽快回来"操作" piupiuraider.

那些欠着的礼物我还记得, 请不用当心. ^^
2009新年快乐. ^^


TianChad田七摄影 said...

Haha! Take your time to get more idea.
Happy New year anyway ;p

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...
