Sunday, October 19, 2008

surfing or kissing?

Yesterday, i was in sunway lagoon alone to surf. Why alone? Well, actually going with friends, but some not free, another one last minutes got OT. Then for me, i'm think is quite hard for me to meet up with them and surf next time. So, i decide to go there alone. Everything go very smooth, like the wave, the weather, the sun, the skills, the mood... BUT, something happened..

昨天, 我一个人到了sunway lagoon去冲浪. 为什么又一个人? 本来是约了朋友的, 一个没空, 另一个临时要加班. 放我风筝. 而我, 觉得会很难再约到他们出来冲了, 所以还是决定一个人去了. 还记得.. 那时的浪, 太阳, 天气, 技术, 气氛都配合到很好..但, 事情发生了..

This is the surf beach view. 这是那人造冲浪池.

This is me. I was about to surf until to the beach there already.
这是我. 我已经快要冲到岸边了.

Then i saw a couple kissing, hugging there. ARRrr!.
然后我看到有对情侣在那边抱来抱去, 亲来亲去. 气死人!

Then i lost my control. and... 一个不小心, 失去平衡感, 就...

And they still kissing . hugging. GERAMnya..!! 他们还继续在抱抱亲亲吻吻.

If you wan to kiss, please go back la..~ and kiss and hug and do whatever things you like. The other surfers were telling me that they actually change place from here to there to here to there again. Finding a better place to "kiss" or "what". Is every couple does that too? You know, there are not just simple kiss only, and quite long also. The whole surfing session i only saw them kissing kissing lo. Hug here hug there and touch here touch there. I'm hard to concentrate and "interact" with my surfboard lo~and ofcourse other surfer as well. ^^

如果你们要亲要抱, 请你们回家抱个够, 亲个够啦.. surf过后, 其他的surfers其实跟我说他们是从另一个地方亲到令一个, 一直在换. 是在找个好地方来抱或什么的吗? 你知道吗? 他们不是只有亲亲抱抱, 还...! 还蛮久的咯.. 整个冲浪过程, 我就只是看他们在那边亲密到..! 害我不能专心冲浪, 还害我差点呛死. 气死我了. (你们懂单身的我的感受吗?)

Oh ya, by the way, during the surfing session, they are photographer taking photos of our nice surfing poses. Cool, i asks them to send me the photos already. Will post up once i receive.

对了, 当我正在冲浪的时候, 有专业摄影师正把我们帅帅的冲浪姿势给拍下来了. 迟些等我收到他们send给我后. 会post上来.


Eve said...

No wonder you called for dinner after that laa.... someone went surfing alone. Kesiaaaann..... :P

Anonymous said...

lolx...interesting story nea~

Jaster said...

冲浪都不叫我这个阳光男孩~ 哼

miss momo said...

故事加图 不错哦


mirxu ♡ said...

free 的又不会中virus..~

small-U said...

hahaha!! 对咯对咯
其实 你叫多点人来围观

故事加图 生动化了

weipeow said...

miss momo & small-u: 故事加图 又有华语, 又有英语, 厉害吧..~ ^^

Anonymous said...


sadhu said...

昨天我有留言的, 可是媽的公司的網路要多爛有多爛, 提交失敗, 然後就懶惰重寫了... 現在本少爺心情好, 再來一次...

我說這麼精彩的畫面你就別埋怨了啦, 我要看真人秀都沒機會咧, 你看到了還這麼生氣, 你沖十次都未必看得到一次呢... 這次被你看到這精彩的畫面, 你應該找個好的角度, 叫杯啤酒, 慢慢欣賞嘛, 最好就是拍下來然後發到youtube, 他們都這麼大方在室外秀給人看, 放去youtube也不會介意的啦, 反正這些人都沒羞恥心滴.. 哈哈


Anonymous said...

wow! u really wrote in chinese and english version..
really geng dao~~
somemore drew a storyboard tim @.@~~

and...u really very funny~like big little kid ^^